Due to age related friction, or past trauma, or metabolic diseases like gout, or immunological diseases like rheumatoid arthritis or some medical condition like obesity (over weight), hypothyroidism,diabetes etc. People can have their knees in painful and deformed states. If this problems are in their early stage we can always consider some conservative options like weight reduction, medications, supplements, life style modifications and physiotherapy to treat them. But once in advance stage where the involved joint’s cartilage and bone surfaces are in state of extreme destruction and beyond repair, we have to choose the option of replacing them with the artificially made joint surfaces which is called knee replacement.
Knee replacement is the process by which surgeon changes damaged and deformed surfaces of the bones which rub together when joint moves and are the main cause of pain in arthritic knee joint. Modern knee replacement is a very less invasive surgery on the contrary as the name suggests. You don’t need to be afraid of by imaging in your mind that my whole knee joint will be cut and would be replaced by artificial joint. No. Not at all. Surgeon only removes tiny , teeny parts of your bones’ surfaces in form of slices and replaces it with the artificially made smooth, durable and very supple joint surfaces.
In subvastus TKR (Total Knee replacement) no cut is made On the underlying thigh muscle called the quadriceps. Instead, the joint is approached from sides of the muscle. This has huge advantages such as not Weakening the thigh muscles at all and this is the reason that the patients are able to walk even without holding on to any walking aids almost immediately after the operation. Mini Subvastus Approach The earlier approach involved cutting the Quadriceps. If the quadriceps are cut, the patients typically need walking aids for 3 to 6 weeks to allow this cut to heal. Moreover, cutting the quadriceps causes more pain and delays the recovery from the operation. The subvastuive approach reduces requirements of pain killers, extensive physiotherapy….so postoperative recovery is much faster as compared to traditional knee replacement.
Detailed and through examination and evaluation of patients, transparent pre-operative counselling of patients and their relatives, meticulous planning of surgery, precise execution of those planning in during operation with state of the art latest computerized instrumentations, and closely monitored post-operative rehabilitation by our wonderful physiotherapists ensures that patients at Star Care Hospital get extremely satisfying and excellent results of their operation. Our team of doctors at Star Care Hospital believes in transparent and honest approach which we think is the only and should be the only reason of our success.